I’m Back! (PR 5/3/19)

As always, I’d like to begin this week’s progress report by thanking all of you awesome people who’ve followed, liked and/or commented on my blog!

Here are this week’s stats:

Words Edited This Week: 6,236

Words Edited So Far: 6,236

Last Chapter of Fourth Draft Completed: 2

Chapters To Go (subject to change): 17

Days Until May 31st Goal Date: 29


I know, I know. I dropped off the face of the earth with respect to this blog right after finishing the third draft of my next book. My mom and I sold our old house and moved into an apartment during this time. So you can imagine how much stress I was under. In fact, there was so much anxiety and mixed emotions during the past month and a half that a few times, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to move forward with my next book as planned, let alone write anything new in the meantime. Plus, aside from existential dread and rolling panic attacks and tears, there wasn’t much to report.

But now, we’ve been in the new apartment for almost three weeks and about a week ago, I was able to write a new, small scene for Sonny and Abe, so I think I’m beginning to mentally and emotionally settle. At least enough to write again, which is great because as of May 1st, it was time to pick my second book up again to begin on the fourth draft.

One thing to note, editing/proofreading have been backed up to July. Something came up with my editor and honestly, it works out for the better considering all I’ve had to go through recently. Padding in a little more time to work on this book and cope with these changes in life couldn’t hurt.

Goals For The Coming Week

I’d like to self-edit through chapter seven of this book. In addition to having trouble relaxing enough to focus on writing, I’ve also had trouble relaxing enough to read. But in the new apartment, I have my own bathroom with a working tub. I hope to turn soaking and reading into one of my self-care activities in order to ease myself back into a reading rhythm. That said, I’m not going to set a reading goal for this week.

Credence News

Since I last posted, my book has been out for just over 2 months. In that time, it’s moved over 525 copies (ebook, paperback, and KU borrows), accumulated over 95,000 page turns in Kindle Unlimited, and I’ve received my first royalty deposit. Overall, I am very pleased with how it’s done so far and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for both Credence and my books to come.

Credence did pick up another blog review from the Jayne at the Wrote Podcast blog. You can read it HERE if you’d like!

Note to Self

You moved, but your mind and your love of writing came with you. Don’t ever doubt that.

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